Functional screening and targeting in cancer : P. Martineau


The team is dedicated to the development of innovative antibody-based biological molecules with novel activities for biosensors and patient treatment. In particular, three strongly linked axes are developed:

  - Structure-function-activity studies of antibodies with the main objective of designing and building synthetic optimized human antibody libraries

  - The use of these antibodies as biosensor tools for the analysis and study of proteins in the cell, particularly with regard to post-translational modifications

  - The development of innovative antibodies with improved profiles for tumor targeting by harnessing the specificities of the tumor cell and its microenvironment

The approaches developed within the team are available for external academic or industrial teams through the genAc platform, which proposes on a collaborative basis the development of human antibodies for in vitro, preclinical and clinical applications.




Abba Moussa D, Vazquez M, Chable-Bessia C, Roux-Portalez V, Tamagnini E, Pedotti M, Simonelli L, Ngo G, Souchard M, Chentouf M, Gros N, Marsile-Medun S, Dinter H, Pugnière M, Martineau P, Varani L, Juan M, Calderon H, Naranjo-Gomez M, Pelegrin M Discovery of a pan anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody with highly efficient infected cell killing capacity for novel immunotherapeutic approaches. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2025;14(1):2432345. doi:10.1080/22221751.2024.2432345

Mairaville C, Broyon M, Maurel M, Chentouf M, Chiavarina B, Turtoi A, Pirot N, Martineau P Identification of monoclonal antibodies from naive antibody phage-display libraries for protein detection in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. J Immunol Methods. 2024;532. doi:10.1016/j.jim.2024.113730

Rigal E, Courot H, Multrier C, Zemiti S, Lambour J, Pugnière M, de Toledo M, Bossis G, Cartron G, Robert B, Martineau P, Fauvel B, Presumey J, Villalba M Generation of non-genetically modified, CAR-like, NK cells. J Immunother Cancer. 2024;12(7):e009070. doi:10.1136/jitc-2024-009070

Desroys du Roure P, Lajoie L, Mallavialle A, Alcaraz L, Mansouri H, Fenou L, Garambois V, Rubio L, David T, Coenon L, Boissière-Michot F, Chateau M-C, Ngo G, Jarlier M, Villalba M, Martineau P, Laurent-Matha V, Roger P, Guiu S, Chardès T, Gros L, Liaudet-Coopman E A novel Fc-engineered cathepsin D-targeting antibody enhances ADCC, triggers tumor-infiltrating NK cell recruitment, and improves treatment with paclitaxel and enzalutamide in triple-negative breast cancer. J Immunother Cancer. 2024;12(1):e007135. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-007135

Noverraz F, Robin B, Passemard S, Fauvel B, Presumey J, Rigal E, Cookson A, Chopineau J, Martineau P, Villalba M, Jorgensen C, Aubert-Pouëssel A, Morille M, Gerber-Lemaire S Novel trehalose-based excipients for stabilizing nebulized anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody. Int J Pharm. 2023;630. doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2022.122463



Team Leader : Pierre Martineau

Institut de Recherche en
Cancérologie de Montpellier
Campus Val d’Aurelle
34298 Montpellier cedex 5

Tél. 33 (0)4 67 61 37 43
Fax 33 (0)4 67 61 37 87

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© Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier - 2011 - Tous droits réservés - Mentions légales - Connexion - Conception : ID Alizés